破600万!美多州新冠病例激增,大学暴发严重疫情 - 头条资讯 - 行业资讯 - 中猪商务网
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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2020-09-01 03:02:48  来源:互联网  作者:易鑫在线网  浏览次数:129





The novel coronavirus cases surpassed six million in the U.S on Sunday as many states in the Midwest reported increasing number of infections, according to a Reuters tally。

Iowa, North Dakota, South Dakota and Minnesota have recently reported record one-day increases in new cases while Montana and Idaho are seeing record numbers of currently hospitalized COVID-19 patients。

Nationally, metrics on new cases, deaths, hospitalizations and the positivity rates of tests are declining, but there are emerging hotspots in the Midwest。

A majority of the new cases in Iowa are in the counties that are home to the University of Iowa and Iowa State University, which are holding some in-person classes。 Colleges and universities around the country have seen outbreaks after students returned to campus, forcing some to switch to online-only learning。

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo on Sunday said his state was sending a “SWAT team” to a State University of New York (SUNY) campus in oneonta in upstate New York to contain a COVID-19 outbreak。 Fall classes, which started last week at the college, were suspended for two weeks after more than 100 people tested positive for the virus, about 3 percent of the total student and faculty population, SUNY Chancellor Jim Malatras said。




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